from 16th-22th October 2016, Prihamoko Moki, Indonesian artist who has been selected to be part of the project Saigon Unfolded and who will work with Local artist Nguyen Quoc Dzung in this project have stayed and worked in ZeroStation
During this one-week of researching, he has met and been given lecture by two project consultant of the project; the Ph.D on history Nguyen Thi Hau, former president of Hochiminh city the institue of development research, vice president of Vietnam Association of Historical science and well-known artist Nguyen Than. Ph.D Nguyen Thi Hau has given a full leture of the history of Saigon and its district 8th, the location where he and artst Nguyen Quoc Dung will work for a public art project while painter Nguyen Than, who is living and working in 8th district has organized a workshop in his studio to speak about the practices of himselve awith Moki and Dzung. It is supposed that in December, when Moki comeback Saigon to work for the public project in district 8th with Nguyen Quoc Dzung, both of them will stay at the studio of painter Nguyen Than
(Photos: The lecture of Ph.D Nguyen Thi Hau at ZeroStation)
Here is the video clip interviewing Moki about his own practice and his thinking about the project Saigon Unfolded
The Project Saigon Unfold is funded fully by Asian IN/VISIBLE Station project, which is co-organized by Asia Center, Japan Foundation and ZeroStation, and curated by ZeroStation